Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Knit Lit....

Seems that I am on a knit lit kick these past few weeks. You know, literature with knitting as one of the contributing themes. I love the books that actually give you the characters discussed patterns at the end of the book. More projects to mull over and put on my list - always a good thing and I figure these patterns are basically free as I bought the book for the story not expecting the patterns. Is that a good rationalization???

Anyway, this week I've read the two Sweetgum: Knit Lit Society books, by Beth Pattillo. The second novel is The Sweetgum Ladies Knit For Love.  I read them both on my Knidle when I got into bed. Reading really helps me fall asleep and since I'm dealing with the vagaries of my own personal global warming these days, a good book can really help. These books were a bit on the romantic and Peyton Place side of literature for me, but none the less I enjoyed them. Ms. Pattillo can write a good story with interesting characters, she can definitely keep a reader intrigued to the end.

I usually like Brit Lit far better than some of the offerings from my fellow US authors, but I've only been able to find two books that were worth a read that fit the Brit Lit and Knit prerequisites. If anyone has any recommendations please pass them on, I'll be glad to give them a read. Since the British offerings are a bit scarce, I certainly don't wish to pass up any good book regardless of it's origins and the Sweetgum series has not disappointed. The novels are set in Sweetgum, Tennessee, USA.  A small town that makes you want to live in a place where everyone knows your name or at least it makes me want to live in that type of place. With all the bad and indifferent situations that can come from small town living, there are tremendous positives as well and Ms. Pattillo brings those out.

In the first book, the knit lit society reads a classic book from a pre-determined book list each month and knits a project that would go well with the story. In the second book, the society does basically the same thing, but they have a specific stitch that must be used for each month. I am thinking that I would love a book group of this nature. Sharing my passion for literature and knitting all in one setting with my friends. Tres' cool!

So, if you are still planning your summer reads, I'd recommend giving the ladies of the Sweetgum: Knit Lit Society a try. I think you'll enjoy the story and perhaps find some inspiration for further projects or for your own reading group.

Knit On, Read On.....
The Knitty Scribe

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